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Camp 404

Wild camping is not like camping at busy campsites.

It involves carrying everything you need on your back, getting away from the crowds and pitching a tent somewhere remote, quiet and peaceful. It's about being respectful of others and the environment, and following the ethos of 'leave no trace'.


Camp 404 is a partnership between Dave Beare and Emma Holland and we run wild camping expeditions with the emphasis on training and support. Have a look at the Testimonials page to see how valuable that free training and unlimited support is.

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Camp 404 is suitable for anyone with little or no wild camping experience and we can help you discover wild camping in the hills and the benefit that brings to mental and physical wellbeing. Our main aim is to create a supportive space for you to explore the idea and give it a try.


To find out more go to the Booking page and sign up for a free online Introduction to Wild Camping session. There's nothing to lose, if it's not for you, that's fine, but better to have explored the idea than missed an opportunity. 


"Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity." ―John Muir

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